The 2015 GNU Ladies Choice took home a 2015 Grade Eh award from Snowboard Canada! Here’s a little background info on the Grade Eh Awards from the good people at Snowboard Canada:
“You deserve to love the board you ride. Don’t trick yourself into thinking anything else. The average price of the shreds we tested hovers around the $500 mark, and if you’re one of the 2 million Canadians making minimum wage, that’s a good 50 hours of washing dishes, walking dogs or gripping skate decks through the summer to finance this addiction. If you spend your hard- earned dollar, you’re entitled to point a dishpan- handed finger and confidently say, “Oh? This board? This is the best board I’ve ever ridden.”” – Snowboard Canada Article Author
Summary of boards mentioned in the Snowboard Canada Grade Eh awards and reviews:
- Ladies Choice gets Best of Women’s Snowboards
- Smart Pickle gets reviewed
- Space Out gets reviewed