Inside Frontside Backside with Forest Bailey

Perhaps you’re unfamiliar with the unreality that Forest Bailey brings to snowboarding? The back of his baseball card might say something like this… “Farmed from the back woods of Southern Vermont at the ripe young age of 16, the kid has been on a tear ever since. With the uncanny ability to do anything he fancies to perfection, and irreplaceable Forest flavor, at 27 his reign has only just begun.”

Usually we’d let Forest paint you the picture, but just so you have some background before you watch the quadriliogy (and then some), we sent Gnubian, jack-of-all trades Max Tokunaga across the pond, into the mountains, to pace the cold streets with only the warmth of the FSBS crew. Capturing culture and creating their element at every stop. Creat/act -ivity brought to life! In other words, Max captured Forest, Seamus, and Neils creating FSBS. Check it!

Photos by Max Tokunaga

A contributor to snowboard culture and a creator, Forest navigates the globe with friends for a vibe, his paint/pens for an enhanced visual, his skate for preferable travel, and his snowboard for fun. His experience is brought to life with camera work by Seamus Foster.


Categories | Forest Bailey, FSBS, Max Tokunaga, Men's, Team