First annual It’s Tits!
Boreal hosted this one of a kind event, designed and conceptualized by Snowboy productions and Jess Kimura. Naturally, it was an enthusiastic celebration of boobs, and funds were raised for B4BC. Like the perfect bra, this event was just the right fit for GNU.
- Support for a good cause.
- Contour, jumps, and transitions sized right for the ladies to get creative on.
- Comfortable snow conditions that made the boobs soft and forgiving while holding their shape.
- Balanced transitions that encouraged pop and flow.
Naima Antolin tail wheelie 12 o’ Clock over boob #1
Air awareness between the beautifully sculpted mountain bosom
Unreality convergence
It’s tits!
Lily Calebrese Fo Sheezy
Lily Lip Slide
Unreal Pioneer / Barrett Christy
She’s Unreal
Barrett Christy

A no-stress gathering of influential female shreds from the past 3 decades made the journey to Boreal to celebrate community, progression, history and awareness. Leading ladies, snow scene celebrities, media mavens… all cultural icons in their own right, enjoyed one of the most creative shred setups of the season. A pink ribbon feature provided an avocado shaped bowl in the middle with gaps into, out of, and along the perimeter of the ribbon. Snow boobs above and around the ribbon were fun to jump, jib and slide, while the keyhole at the bottom was used as a hip, berm, and quarterpipe with seemingly endless slash and style moments. The enthusiasm persisted through variable conditions and when the rain came down the trashbags and umbrellas came out with no complaints. Rather than discouraging the girls, the conditions heightened the creativity. For those who didn’t get enough bouncing on the snow, Woodward opened their doors to all the participants to play in the barn and literally bounce off the walls on trampolines, skate ramps, and bouncy mats. Thanks to Boreal, Woodward, Snowboy Productions, diecutstickers.com, Monster Energy, 10 Barrel Brewing and B4BC for making the event possible! The future is bright for #its_tits!
Katie Kennedy PPL
Nirvana Ortanez GETTING HERS
Mamma Maria and the bebe!
Christy cutting the cheese
Crew Love <3
Danger Pony, One Hoof
Nirvana dragging paw
Melissa Ritano… Laidback
Maria Thomsen on duh Miller Flip
Maria… You Wish

Barrett had the custom It’s Tits! Gloss signed by all the badass females (including Barrett!) in attendance.

WIN a custom IT’S TITS #GNUgloss!
- Follow @gnusnowboards
- Read Barrett’s recap of It’s Tits! and enjoy #Zimstagram Gallery
- Post a photo of you or your GNU GIRL crew riding a GNU board, using #unrealSnowboarding and tag @gnusnowboards @b4bc @snowboyproductions
- Entries will be posted to @gnusnowboards story, and Unreal Pioneer Barrett Christy will pick her favorite on November 8th!