Under with Forest Bailey

Under with Forest Bailey

Snowboarder, skateboarder, artist and leader of the Gnu wave, Forest Bailey creates. Get some clues below and stay tuned for more Gnu Unders!

Forest Bailey at Mt Hood
Bailey alley oop in this summers soup-er pipe

Three things about Portland you love?

1. Mt hood in the summer

2. Skating with the buddies

3. Going on adventures

Forest Bailey against the wall
The summer of ninjas
PJ Ladd's wonderful horrible life

First videos that influenced you?

Skate: PJ Ladd’s Wonderful Horrible Life

Snow: Grenade, Early Technine videos… I remember Transworld “These Days” was a big inspo

X Files

Four things you’ve read / watched to help pass the quarantine?

1. “13th” (nextflix)

2. “The Last Dance” Michael Jordon doc (Netflix)

3. “Be Here Now” Ram Dass

4. “X-Files

Forest Bailey on chairlift
Young Forest on the lift in Vermont

What do you miss about living in Vermont?


Forest Bailey snowboarding black and white
Not a scorp…

Last time you scorped snowboarding?

Haha this summer!

Tell us a story about filming for Quiet?

Forest Bailey doodle artwork

Four things you do to get into a creative headspace?

1. Drink coffee

2. Smoke break

3. Start doodling

4. Look at inspiration

Charles Mingus

Three bands / musicians that are on repeat?

1. Charles mingus

2. John lennon

3. Violent Femmes

Forest Bailey board slide
Board slide from We’ll Go Now
Forest Bailey skate board slide
Board slide from Shhhhh

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only do one skate trick the entire time what would it be?


Grateful Dead @ Highgate VT 1995

Some firsts…

First skateboard: Think

First Gnu: I always wanted a DK as a kid, but I think my first was a riders choice.

First Grateful Dead concert: High gate VT 1995 ( I was 4) https://youtu.be/DNkrxZpshjQ

First 360: I don’t remember, probably at Stratton.

First kiss: Truth or dare under a skate ramp lol

Young Forest Bailey skateboarding

Four favorite places in the world snowboarding has lead you:

1. Oregon

Forest chases G-don in to a Timberline sunset
Forest chases G-don in to a Timberline sunset

1. Japan

Forest Bailey at Holy Bowly in Japan
Forest at the Holy Bowly, Tenjin Japan

3. Mt. Baker

Forest Bailey at Mt Baker
Forest on a Baker classic out filming for Givin’ Too

4. Alps… too many to name.

Forest Bailey at Saas Fee
Forest up early for a sunrise session in the Alps
Forest Bailey Evo art show
4 at his Evo Seattle show a few years back

What’s the color of your energy?

Amber is the color of your energy, but I like to think of my energy as a soothing light blue.

Forest Bailey Head Space snowboard
Gnu Head Space
Gnu 4 snowboard
Gnu 4
BMBW Axtion
Categories | Forest Bailey, Gnu Under